Overview of o-rings


O-ring O-ring (O-rings) is a kind of rubber sealing ring with a circular cross-section. Because its cross-section is O-shaped, it is called an O-ring rubber sealing ring, also called an O-ring. It began to appear in the mid-19th century, when it was used as a sealing element for steam engine cylinders.

Basic information on gas spring seals


The gas spring seal is a kind of seal used for the rear seal of the gas spring.

Description of the use of the combination gasket


The combined gasket is made of a rubber ring and a metal ring integrally bonded and vulcanized. It is a sealing ring used to seal the thread and flange connection. The ring includes a metal ring and a rubber gasket.

Basic information on combination gaskets


The metal ring is rust-proof, and the rubber ring is generally made of oil-resistant nitrile rubber or fluororubber. Combination pads are available in metric and inch sizes, and the standard JB982-77 specifies the combination of metal pads and rubber. Combination sealing washer is used for threaded pipe joints and screw plug sealing. It is generally used with ferrule type pipe joints to block oil ports. It is mainly used for end face static sealing of threaded joints of hydraulic valve pipe joints. It is suitable for British and American standards. Inch thread and end face static seal at French and German standard metric thread connections, etc. The combined sealing gasket can be divided into A type and B type according to the structure; it can be divided into full package and half package according to the difference of rubber.

Leakage of skeleton oil seal


During use, it is permissible if a small amount of leakage occurs within 50 to 100 hours of operation. As the operating time increases, the leakage will gradually stop, and the life of such oil seals is often relatively long. Within the effective period of use, a small amount of leakage is allowed, otherwise, it must be dealt with in accordance with the following common failure causes and troubleshooting methods of oil seals.

The role of the skeleton oil seal


The function of the skeleton oil seal is generally to isolate the parts that need to be lubricated in the transmission parts from the output parts, so as not to allow the leakage of lubricating oil. The skeleton is like the steel bars in the concrete member, which acts as a reinforcement and enables the oil seal to maintain its shape and tension. According to the skeleton type, it can be divided into inner skeleton oil seal, outer skeleton oil seal, and inner and outer skeleton oil seal. The skeleton oil seal is made of high-quality nitrile rubber and steel plate, with stable quality and long service life. Widely used in automobiles, motorcycle crankshafts, camshafts, differentials, shock absorbers, engines, axles, front and rear wheels and other parts.

The sealing principle of the skeleton oil seal


Sealing principle: Since there is an oil film controlled by the oil seal edge between the oil seal and the shaft, the oil film has fluid lubrication characteristics. surface tension in liquids Skeleton oil seal 骨架油封 的作用下,油膜的刚度恰好使油膜与空气接触端形成一个新月面,防止了工作介质的泄漏,从而实现旋转轴的密封。油封的密封能力,取决于密封面油膜的厚度,厚度过大,油封泄漏;厚度过小,可能发生干摩擦,引起油封和轴磨损;密封唇与轴之间没有油膜,则易引起发热、磨损。 因此,在安装时,必须在密封圈上涂些油,同时保证骨架油封与轴心线垂直,若不垂直,油封的密封唇会把润滑油从轴上排干,也会导致密封唇的过度磨损。在运转中,壳体内的润滑剂微微渗出一点,以达到在密封面处形成油膜的状态最为理想。

Introduction of skeleton oil seal


The skeleton oil seal is a typical representative of the oil seal. Generally speaking, the oil seal refers to the skeleton oil seal. The function of the oil seal is generally to isolate the parts that need to be lubricated in the transmission parts from the external environment, so as not to let the lubricating oil leak. The skeleton is like the steel bars in the concrete member, which acts as a reinforcement and enables the oil seal to maintain its shape and tension. According to the structure, it can be divided into single lip skeleton oil seal and double lip skeleton oil seal. The auxiliary lip of the double-lip skeleton oil seal plays a dust-proof role to prevent external dust and impurities from entering the machine. According to the skeleton type, it can be divided into inner skeleton oil seal, exposed skeleton oil seal and assembled oil seal. According to working conditions, it can be divided into rotary skeleton oil seal and reciprocating skeleton oil seal. For gasoline engine crankshafts, diesel engine crankshafts, gearboxes, differentials, shock absorbers, engines, axles and other parts.

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